The Ultimate Guide To Kitchen Remodeling

The kitchen is the hub of most of your family’s activities – the laboratory from which many marveled substances that sustain our biological existence are concocted by cooks and housewives alike.

If you are planning a new kitchen design or redesigning an existing one, you should undoubtedly give due thought and be aware of how important proper kitchen design and organization are (for your family, it might feel like building a laboratory!).

A properly organized and designed kitchen is not only lovely to look at but also a marvel of convenience, efficiency, and function. Any cook will tell you that one of the secrets to culinary success is having a properly designed and well-equipped kitchen. That way, you won’t waste time and can minimize problems such as tripping over cords or navigating around obstructive cabinets, which can be very annoying when your mind is fully absorbed in preparing delicious food.

Here are some tips to consider when planning and designing a kitchen:

Kitchen Space – The most critical aspect of a good kitchen remodeling is space. It’s more than just having enough space to lay out your bowls. You need to consider the right amount of space to move around without being encumbered by having to take too many steps from the fridge to the stove or sink.

The ‘work triangle’ is one guideline developed for this purpose. It is an imaginary line starting from the sink, extending to the cooktop, down to the fridge, and back to the sink. The length of this imaginary triangle should be about 26 feet, with no segment being less than 4 feet or more than 9 feet.

This concept has many fans as well as critics. However, it is a good starting point when planning your kitchen’s layout.

Architecture – It’s best if the kitchen doors are wide and without knobs. Swivel doors can be a good alternative to doors with knobs. Access to other rooms, especially when your hands are full, should be made easy.

Design the walls to be protected from heat, smoke stains, and other kitchen stains. Consider installing a vent to eliminate smoke and gases that build up during kitchen routines. If possible, have your ceiling higher than normal.

Organization – Anticipate the future and design ahead of time to accommodate a growing number of cookware and other kitchen utensils. Consider the space needed for supplies such as fruit, vegetables, and meat, and ensure that equipment and supplies are arranged for easy access when needed.

Plan your kitchen so that equipment is not cluttered about. When moving around in the kitchen, you shouldn’t have to go around or hurdle over certain equipment. This is not only unsightly but also poses a danger of accidents.

Equipment – When designing the layout of your kitchen, try to simulate your normal kitchen routine. What do you need? Where do you go? What steps do you usually take? Use this guide to determine where to place all your equipment. Place the outlets where you’ll need electricity, and ensure they are not in areas that get wet often.

A general contractor and an interior designer can also assist you if you need advice on the layout of your kitchen. Make your intentions and desires very clear so that they can adjust to your needs.

In essence, design your kitchen to reflect your personal image and cooking style!

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